Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pin of the day challenge.... Carrot Plants! Super Easy!

 Ok, who's using Pinterest?

I am and I love it.  I have heard that a lot of people that "use" it rarely or never actually use any of the ideas they pin.  I tend to use mine mostly for recipes, school ideas, and crafts and I actually have made a lot of things I have pinned.

I thought it would be interesting to challenge myself and try to start doing one pin a day.  Some may be simple, like today's Pin of the Day.  Others may be more challenging.

Today's pin comes from a this post.  I was cleaning my fridge yesterday and I was about to throw out some OLD carrots.  I wasn't sure if the idea would work on OLD carrots but what did I have to lose?

 I chopped off the tops and placed them in a shallow dish of water and today, I already have some growth.  It seems you need to have a little bit of leaf on the carrot for it to work.

Anyway, my 7 year old thought this was totally cool.  It's fun to watch because it grew a lot just in one day (this morning the leaves were a lot shorter.)

If you want to see the rest of my boards, here is a link to my Pinterest page.

(Maybe one day, I will challenge myself to take better photographs?)v

Quiet Creative Time

image via blog.jillycharts.com
I was about to address my first post regarding the challenge of schooling 2 or more kids at a time.  As I sit here trying to concentrate, I face another challenge of the creative SAHM.

Since the time I began this post, I have received a steady stream of interruptions from my darling 7 and 11 year olds. I would love to have just a few minutes of quiet to write a thoughtful post.  However in my desire to encourage communication and their own creativity, I feel it's important to stop what I'm doing, give them my full attention and acknowledge their stories and questions sincerely.

There are several creative things I would like to work on, including this blog, but the problem is finding the time and then when I have the time... where can I get some quiet?

I believe a major theme we will see as this blog continues is that there are 24 hours in a day and we choose to make time for things that are important to us individually.  Time for communicating with my children is extremely important for me, but having a little bit of quiet productive time for myself is also important.  As I was composing this post, my final interruption was "MOM!!!! J keeps annoying me! Make him stop!!!!"

I took a deep breath and said, "It is 5:15.  It is now time for 15 minutes of quiet creative time! Everyone in your own room and from now until 5:30 pm, work on something creative, quietly!!"

I am a little bit in shock.  It is now dead silent in my house and I am about to finish this post.  "15 minutes of quiet creative time" is my creation of the day!

New blog alert!

I have been dying to start this new blog that will most likely deal with solving the every day issues I face as a stay-at-home-homeschooling-creative momma of two.

After talking to many moms I meet and know, day after day, I find a lot of us have the same kinds of challenges and questions on how to address them.  I am hoping this blog will help me focus on some of those challenges, and address them one at a time (sometimes more, depending on how crazy the day is, of course).

I barely have time for a blog but we will see. This is an experiment.  I find writing helps me sort things out so this will hopefully be a combination of self-therapy/help for other mommas out there and maybe a way for me to get some outside input if I ever get any readers.

I promise I will try to keep the posts succinct and clear because I know I have no time for reading lengthy boring blogs and I know other moms out there don't either. (I just want to say, I am not a naturally succinct person so just the fact that I'm going to try to get right to the point in as little words as possible in these posts, is a challenge in itself, but it will also be a great lesson for me.)

One more thing... about the name. I am not loving the name so it will probably change when I have time to come up with something more fun and creative.

With that being said, I am now going to attempt my first succinct post.... here we go.....